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n-ost – border crossing journalism

wird verwaltet von Kateryna Kovalenko

Über uns

n-ost ist ein internationales Netzwerk von Journalist*innen und eine Medien-NGO für grenzübergreifenden Journalismus. Wir vernetzen Journalist*innen in ganz Europa, mit speziellen Fokus auf Osteuropa.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Wir haben 17.236,89 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Kateryna Kovalenko  21. Februar 2024 um 12:39 Uhr

Dear supporters,
It is hard to believe, but another year of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has passed. Journalists in Ukraine continue to report from the war, and the importance of their work cannot be overstated.
We want to thank you for supporting Ukrainian journalists by donating to our campaign. Every donation matters and carries the main message for them: we in Europe have not forgotten about the war and appreciate your work.
It was your donations that allowed n-ost to organise two extraordinary retreats in Poland for 36 Ukrainian war correspondents and their children. For many of them, it was the first trip abroad since the beginning of the full-scale war. Having found themselves in a safe and peaceful place, they had tears in their eyes. They asked us to tell each of you a huge THANK YOU. It was YOU who made it possible.

In addition, we supported some editorial offices in Ukraine that needed help, such as Slidstvo.Info and NV.ua. 
Thanks to n-ost, Serhii Korovayny, a Ukrainian photographer, has achieved an important goal in his work: as part of our underground railway exhibition Next Station Ukraine, he has brought Ukrainian reality into the hectic everyday life of German cities with his photographs.
Additionally, in 2023 n-ost launched two big projects. Europe Ukraine Desk is serving the goal of stabilizing public awareness of Ukraine. Through research grants, trips, podcasts, a weekly newsletter and discussion events, we facilitate concrete cooperation between Ukrainian journalists and Western European editorial teams. With Fight for Facts, we are strengthening the reach and resilience of Ukrainian regional media and at the same time utilizing their local expertise in the fight against fake news. If the need arises, we also plan to support the participants of these programs on an individual basis, as they have already become an integral part of our network.https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/project/image/000/106/590/320718/limit_600x450_image.jpg

We remain in close contact with our colleagues in Ukraine and try to be as helpful as possible. With your donations, we have more resources to do it. Thank you again for your generosity!



Alexandrinenstraße 2-3

Kateryna Kovalenko

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