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Intiwawa e.V.

wird verwaltet von Isabel

Über uns

Intiwawa ist eine dynamische und junge Organisation mit dem Ziel der Armutsbekämpfung in den Slums von Arequipa, der zweitgrößten Stadt Perus. Gegründet 2007 als deutsch-peruanische Organisation, bestehen wir heute einem internationalen Freiwilligenteam in Peru und in Deutschland.

Unser Ziel ist die integrale Entwicklung der Kinder und ihrer Eltern und eine nachhaltige Verbesserung ihres Lebensstandards. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen und um die Armut an mehreren Fronten zu bekämpfen, führt Intiwawa Projekte in mehreren Bereichen durch:

Bildung: Hausaufgabenunterstützung, Englischunterricht, Computerkurse
Gesundheit: Zahnarztprojekt, gesunde Ernährung, persönliche Hygiene
Stärkung soziokultureller Werte: soziale und kulturelle Workshops
Stärkung des Umweltbewusstseins: Recycling, Pflanzen anpflanzen
Projekte mit den Eltern: Elternschule, Textilprojekt für die Mütter

Weitere Infos dazu findet ihr unter: www.intiwawa.org/de/projekte.html

Um unsere Ziele verwirklichen zu können brauchen wir so viel Unterstützung wie möglich, von Freiwilligen, Spendern und Sponsoren.

Danke für eure wertvolle Unterstützung!

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

We received a payout of €1,327.91

  Isabel  11. Juli 2024 um 09:24 Uhr

Dear Intiwawa community,

thanks to your ongoing support, we are able to continue with our projects!

Promoting Hygiene and HealthOur health team gave a talk on essential topics such as self-care, maintaining cleanliness at Intiwawa, hand hygiene and oral hygiene. In addition, the importance of rabies prevention was addressed. This knowledge is critical to ensure a healthy environment for everyone.


Parenting schoolIn our last session, we addressed the topic of how to stimulate good behavior, knowing how to deal with stress and appreciating family members. In addition, parents had the opportunity to learn about their children's academic progress; in this way, strengthening the link between family and learning. We appreciate the participation of all parents and remain committed to support the integral development of our students.


Prevention and Care The Liga Contra el Cáncer de Arequipa conducted a prevention campaign for Madres Luchadoras. This initiative focused on early detection and prevention of cervical, breast and skin diseases. An important step to take care of our mothers' health and strengthen our community.


Sign Language Sessions Two of our students are participating in sign language sessions, thanks to the collaboration with the Asociación de Sordos de Arequipa. These classes not only allow them to communicate better, but also promote inclusion and understanding in our community. We are deeply grateful for their invaluable support. Together, we are creating a more accessible and welcoming environment for everyone.


First Aid training for our TeachersOur teachers have received first aid training, essential to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. This training enables our team to act quickly and effectively in emergency situations. We strengthen our commitment to a safe educational environment prepared for any eventuality.


Training for our teachers
Recently, our teachers participated in a valuable training on “Teaching strategies for the formation of values”. This workshop provided them with innovative tools and techniques to foster essential values in our students, thus strengthening their integral development. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of our teachers to create a positive and enriching educational environment. Together, we continue to grow and learn!


Psychology workshops
Every Monday, our children and adolescents from the Yachay Project participate in social-emotional skills workshops. This program, designed with an inclusive approach, provides all our students with the necessary tools to grow emotionally and develop strong emotional intelligence. We are proud to offer a space where every child can learn, grow and feel supported.




Boxhagener Str. 103

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