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TU eMpower Africa e.V.

wird verwaltet von Christopher Schulze

Über uns

We are a non-profit organization, which unites students, researchers, alumni and friends of the Technical University of Munich.

We are fostering sustainable development for African communities through research-based solutions. Our energy-water-food system built in Saint Rupert Mayer, Zimbabwe, is the world's first of its kind. We aim at bringing our sustainable system to many more villages and countries in Africa.

The sustainability of the projects can only be ensured through the involvement of local people. Hence, we provide self-designed trainings for the community and support the operation of the system on technical and social levels. In addition, we link the projects with local stakeholder including universities and spread the word on scientific conferences to create a global network.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

We received a payout of €241.80

  Florian Ott  08. November 2023 um 16:58 Uhr

Dear friends of TU eMpower Africa e.V.,

The money is used for further advances in the food processing infrastructure, specifically for tomatoes. The local community realizes the benefits and further aims to prevent food wastage and enhance food security as a result.

Currently, one area, we are working on as well is assessing the potential of growing coffee in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe's coffee industry, once renowned for its high-quality Arabica beans, experienced challenges due to political and economic instability. However, recent efforts to revive coffee cultivation and reestablish its reputation for quality offer potential opportunities for investors looking to contribute to the industry's resurgence. 

We would like to thank all donors, local community members and volunteers for their support in contributing to a more sustainable future. 




Lichtenbergstraße 4a

Christopher Schulze

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