Schwere(s)Los! e.V.
managed by Maren Moormann
About us
“Art is not luxury, but necessity!” ( Lyonel Feininger)
Art and culture for all! Schwere(s)Los! is an association of artists on the subsistence minimum, founded in 2007 by Maren Moormann. Since 2016, we have been located in the Stühlinger district of Freiburg with our own premises. Not only homeless, crisis-experienced, displaced, physically impaired or otherwise marginalized living people and refugees are reached with a wide variety of artistic offers, but everyone is welcome here! Thus, we offer a “platform of inclusion” and create space not only for artistic development, but also for encounters of people of different ages and social backgrounds.
Latest project news
Wir haben 74,91 € Spendengelder erhalten
Herzlichen Dank an alle Unterstützer*innen, die das Projekt erst möglich machen. Wir haben schon weit über 50.000 Karten verteilen können!
Derzeit sind noch die Motive "Wie schön, dass es dich gibt!", "We are one", die Friedenskarte mit Einsteinzitat und die "Es ist genug, ich zu sein" verfügbar. Eine Mail an genügt!
Kleineschholzweg 5
Maren Moormann
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