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Gemeinnützige Stiftung Akademie Waldschlösschen

managed by Ulli Klaum

About us

Welcome to Waldschlösschen
The seminar program of the Akademie Waldschlösschen is aimed at multiple demographics. There are offerings in areas such as “social commitment and self-helpˮ, “daily living and healthˮ, and “science, art and languageˮ, as well as “diversity and ethics in the workplaceˮ, and in particular targets its offerings:
- to those with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and queer identities,
- for people with HIV and AIDS and their partners,
- toward qualification of voluntary work, especially for those who work against homophobia and actively engage in AIDS-help work,
- in support of an examination of scientific research regarding the main priorities of the Academy.

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Wir haben 146,25 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Ulli Klaum  16 March 2022 at 04:33 PM

Vielen Dank! Wir sind überglücklich mit großartiger Unterstützung von über 600 Spender*innen diese schwierige Zeit überstanden zu haben und weiter arbeiten dürfen.

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Waldschlösschen 1

Ulli Klaum

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