Allg. Behindertenverband Land Brandenburg e.V.
managed by Christin Streiter
About us
The Allgemeine Behindertenverband Land Brandenburg e.V. (ABB e.V.) is an association that mainly supports the interests of people with disabilities or relatives of people with disabilities. We do this by advising, currently at four different locations in the state of Brandenburg, on any topic that affects people with disabilities. Furthermore, we advocate for more accessibility in the entire state of Brandenburg, for example for more accessibility in public transport, in public buildings or also in the digital world. We are mainly financed by membership fees and donations from the community. Our biggest project, which we carry out every year, is the "adventure camps" project for children with and without disabilities. More details about the project are explained here on our page in the section "Projects".
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Wir haben 80,92 € Spendengelder erhalten
Liebe Spender*innen,
wir möchten uns bei Ihnen allen für die Spenden recht herzlich bedanken.
Diese werden wir nutzen, um einen Teil der Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung vor Ort aufzubringen.
Freundliche Grüße
Ihr ABB e.V.
Gutenbergstraße 15
Christin Streiter
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