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Blickwinkel e.V.

managed by Christoph Holz

About us

Since 2007, the Blickwinkel has been a meeting place in Neukölln, a socially rather disadvantaged district of Berlin. The exchange between the residents of this colorful neighborhood is close to our hearts and we contribute to this dialogue through our voluntary tutoring for students. During the week
30-40 children per week for tutoring to us. We also organise open recreational activities during the holidays and application training for internships and apprenticeships.

We, the volunteers, are young, old, studying, working, looking for work or retired - everyone contributes according to their talent and time possibilities. What unites us is that we value different perspectives and good education and want to support young people.

The Blickwinkel e.V. is a corporate member of the AWO and a recognized organization for independent youth aid.

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Wir haben 463,08 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Christoph Holz  17 April 2024 at 06:19 PM

Vielen Dank für eure Spenden! Sie sind eine wichtige Hilfe, die laufenden Kosten wie Miete, Strom oder Materiealien unserer rein ehrenamtlichen Arbeit zu Decken.

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Sonnenallee 64

Christoph Holz

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