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Kubib e.V.

managed by Fleur Voigt

About us

The Club KuBiB e.V. was founded in of 2010. The aim of the association are the construction and operation of a cultural and educational center. The association pursues non profit purposes.
Team goals include:

- Art and culture in rural areas
- Equal rights
- Environment and Conservation
- As well as landscape maintenance

Suitable measures of education and training (such as eg courses, educational events, exhibitions, film screenings, etc.) should motivate, empower and support people through personal commitment and the practical perception of social and environmental responsibility for a social life without discrimination and to work for a conscious approach to their environment and nature.

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.291,82 € Spendengelder erhalten

  a. gross  28 September 2023 at 08:15 AM

Wir Sammeln grade Spenden um das Gelände mehr Zugänglich zu machen fuer Menschen die einen Rollstuhl nutzten. das das Gelände sehr gross ist ist es ein langfristiger plan es so umzugestalten dass es frei Rollstuhl befahrbar ist. Hierfür werden wir das Geld in die Planungsphase stecken.

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Fleur Voigt

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