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Lichtstrahl Uganda e.V.

managed by Rüdiger Bohn

About us

Approximately 14,000 patients, 3,450 deliveries, 600 preschool children and exactly 107 employees! That is Lichtstrahl Uganda e. V. near Gulu (northern Uganda) in the year 2022.

Since 2010, the association has been implementing development aid and help for self-help on its own land. People receive acutely needed aid, medical care, schooling and vocational training that they could not otherwise afford, and thus prospects for work and a largely self-determined life. A team of local, locally trained nurses, midwives and social workers take care of them. Thanks to sponsors, individual donors and association members, reliable projects have grown:

Medical station incl. laboratory ("Health Centre 3", dental and ophthalmology are coming soon)
Maternal crisis center with maternity ward
Daycare center, preschool and primary school (2019 "Violence-free School" award)
Children's crisis house and a children's village
Re-income projects (coffee shop, guesthouse, bakery, bicycle workshop, farm, SimSimBalls)

Latest project news

Wir haben 2.295,13 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Rüdiger Bohn  02 May 2024 at 04:05 PM

Auf Grund Eurer tollen Spendenbereitschaft konnten wir bereits jede Menge Wasserfilter anschaffen und an bedürftige junge Mütter mit ihren Babies und Kleinkindern verteilen. Ein elementarer Beitrag zur Gesundheitsvorsorge und damit zu einer erheblichen Reduzierung der Kindersterblichkeit. Danke für Eure Unterstützung!

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Rüdiger Bohn

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