ViaNiños e.V.
managed by Eva-Maria Oswald
About us
ViaNiños is a nonprofit organisation working to support vulnerable children, young people and their families in Ecuador. Our aim is to enable Ecuadorian street children to create a better future for themselves and their families. We work in partnership with grassroots Ecuadorian NGOs, that offer support and education programmes for working children. Our role is to offer our partners financial support and strategic advice.
ViaNiños was founded in Munich in 2003 by three former CENIT volunteers who met whilst volunteering in Quito. To this day the organisation is run primarily by volunteers. A sister charity was set up in the UK in October 2008 and another in Switzerland in May 2009. ViaNiños needs your support to enable street children in Ecuador to build a brighter future.
Latest project news
Wir haben 1.274,17 € Spendengelder erhalten
Wir haben das neue Projekt "Comedor: Essen, lernen, leben" gemeinsam mit Sternstunden aufgesetzt, damit die Kinder eine (meist die einzige) warme und gesunde Mahlzeit am Tag bekommen - und zwar kostenfrei.