Sarsarale e.V.
managed by Markus U.
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About us
Sarsarale e.V. has been active in Kafountine in southern Senegal since 2010. After already buying the land in 2005, the idea of a tropical medicinal plant and project garden was gradually developed to carry out educational projects on health and sustainability topics. Since 2020, a forest garden near Berlin is also part of Sarsarale.
Most members are based in Berlin and lead organization and administration from there.
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Wir haben 772,67 € Spendengelder erhalten
Vielen Dank! Mit Hilfe deiner Unterstützung konnten wir den Kongress für Waldgarten- und komplexe Agroforstsysteme durchführen. Die Spenden gehen in die beschriebenen Aufwände ... und wir machen mit Freude weiter!
Bergmannstr. 100
Markus U.
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