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Nuevo Dia e. V.

managed by Robert Schmitz

About us

Nuevo Dia e. V. is a small, non-profit association founded in 2005 with the aim of improving the living conditions of Guatemala's impoverished indigenous people.
Through the donations we support and organize development projects and programs especially in Guatemala that promote social justice, especially with regard to help for self-help.
From the donation funds no administrative funds or other costs are discharged, since the executive committee works with some further friends / supporters purely honorary. Eddy Dieckmann, the initiator and founder of the association, regularly visits the families and communities in the region and looks locally for the needs. He also maintains constant contact with the two partner organizations (SEFCA and ASESCA), who ensure that donations are distributed and used as a help for self-help without any cost or bureaucracy. This means that we donate 100% of each donation directly to the work and projects of Nuevo Dia e. V. use.

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.550,25 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Robert Schmitz  05 October 2023 at 10:02 AM

In der Gemeinde Los Pinos haben Einheimische mit den Spenden eine Casa de Salud (Haus der Gesundheit) gebaut. Wir hoffen damit einen Beitrag gegen Kindersterblichkeit und Unterernährung, vor allem bei den Kleinsten leisten zu können. Zudem wurde in der Gemeinde Xetonox ein Schuldach und eine Schulküche erneuert sowie ein Wassersammeltank installiert.

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Robert Schmitz

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