AMOR - Associação Moçambicana de Reciclagem
managed by Philip B.
About us
AMOR is a NGO in Mozambique that advocades and works for a social recycling. With the installation of a network of „ecopoints“ in the capital maputo, AMOR provides employment for marginalised groups of society (HIV-positive women, ragmen) and gives them the opportunity to find their own way out of poverty.
Due to the significant increase in waste produced by a rapidly growing population, waste management has become a major problem in Mozambique, where the waste is poured without any recycling treatment in the cities waste deposit.
Faced with this situation, the Mozambican Association of Recycling (Associação MOçambicana de Reciclagem – AMOR) was born in 2009, created by Mozambican environmentalists and international recycling specialists, to promote and organise a social recycling of solid waste throughout the country. This is done through the installation of so-called eco-points (‘ecopontos’ in Portuguese).
The ecopoints are collection and purchasing points for paper, carton, plastic, glass, metal and electronic waste. Each ecopoint offers a recycling collection service for its neighborhood, with mobile collectors that will pick-up the recyclable waste. Both the managers of the ecopoints (members of the Xidzuki Association which helps HIV-positive people) as well as the mobile collectors (some being former waste-pickers trained by the association) are self-employed people who profit from the sale of recyclable material.
In order to facilitate their task, AMOR provides collection tricycles to each of the mobile collectors. All of the recyclable waste brought to the Eco-points is then sold to the best buyers in Mozambique for subsequent recycling.
Thus, the 6 Eco-points installed by AMOR enabled the creation of 18 independent jobs (2 managers and 1 mobile collectors for each Ecopoint) as well as the recycling of 50 to 100 tons of waste/month. More than 60 waste pickers regularly sell their collected waste to the Eco-points. Furthermore, once installed and its staff trained, the Eco-point is independent and self-sustaining.
With the extension of the eco-point network, AMOR consolidates the social integration system of marginalized groups. The partnership with Xitzuki is strengthened, as more eco-points are being managed by HIV-positive members of the association and more ragmen will be given the opportunity to find the way out of poverty and exclusion.
To support the Mozambican Association of Recycling and the development of the eco-point network in Maputo is:
- To invest in the quest for sustainable development in Mozambique
- To support an ambitious and innovative program, whose pilot phase has already proven to have extremely positive social, environmental and economic impacts
- To recycle tons of waste monthly, reducing emissions of greenhouse gas at a global level and thus minimize climate change
- To fight against urban poverty by creating jobs and supporting marginalized groups (women, HIV-positive persons and ragmen, amongst others).
- To contribute, together, to the sustainable development of our planet.
Latest project news
Ein langlebiges Projekt
Liebe Spender und Unterstützer,
Ich habe vor kurzem Neuigkeiten aus Mosambik erhalten und möchte euch hiermit gerne informieren.
Dank der gespendeten Rikshen konnte eine eigene Firma (recolixo) unter der Schirmherrschaft von AMOR gegründet werden. Diese hat jetzt 5 feste junge Mitarbeiter, die nach ihrer Arbeit als Recycler jeden Nachmittag in die Schule gehen. Der Erfolg ist so gross, dass die Müllsammlung für die Unternehmen jetzt kostenpflichtig geworden ist. 50 Meticais (1 Euro/ pro Sammlung), die unter den Recyclern (2/3) und dem verein (1/3) aufgeteilt werden. Den Gewinn aus dem verkauf der recyclebaren Wertstoffe bleibt weiterhin bei den Recyclern. Diese haben mittlerweile auch das Know-How um die Rikshas selbst zu reparieren und schaffen so um die 130 Sammlungen im Monat.
Neben den Recyclerikshas hat Amor auch einen LKW, der mit recycletem Frittieröl funktioniert und hat seit über einem Jahr auch neue Container in Beira (Zentralmosambik) sowie in den Vororten von Maputo eröffnet.
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung
Lieben Gruss
Philip Böhm
Rua da Sociedade dos Estudos, 5
Philip B.
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