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I triggered a payout for these needs:

(Gelöschtes Mitglied)
(Gelöschtes Mitglied) schrieb am 23.08.2016

Since 2014 a lot of people worldwide support the wonderful work of Rachel and Stephen in Kenya. Again we want to say thank you to all of you. Because of your support and your trust in their work over 60 children have a home, a place where they belong and where they find the necessary utilities they need for their future. We are not only talking about physical things, education and food but - most important - shelter. Rachel opened her house for so many lost souls and abandoned children and today I would like to use this post to say thank you: Thank you Rachel for all the work you do! 

A donation amount of €1,225.80 was requested for the following needs:

  • Security Issues €242.00
  • Security Issues €360.00
  • Mini-Bus / Min-Van €623.80