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Ich habe 536,25 € Spendengelder erhalten

Annekatrin E.
Annekatrin E. schrieb am 26.06.2019


Emilly landed in Christchurch a couple of days ago and now has to deal with winter for the first time in her life. I am sure the three month course will allow her to broaden her horizon in ways that she could never imagine. When she finally sat on that plane, we felt such a relief. It is one thing to dream big, it is another to make it happen NO MATTER WHAT. You can call us lucky and sometimes also annoyingly persistent when we want something: in this case we did ask for a lot of money & we raised it. In total we got: GX2,346,827, $4,587 and €3,333. The point is that we are not only proving to our players that as Rugby Tackling Life we actually tackle life no matter what, but it is also proving to ourselves that again and again we make things happen as a growing community.


Thank you to everyone who supported Emilly!!!