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Deutschlands größte Spendenplattform

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

Tom Z.
Tom Z. schrieb am 03.05.2016


... in the name of the TURTLES ...

Take a look at our latest CONSCIOUS ACTIONS:


Our C.A.N films build magical bridges between our C.A.N HEROS, who are doing remarkable work in places of this world where this help is much needed, and YOU - someone who enjoys to TAKE ACTION and support such work.
• 100% efficiently - because all of your contribution goes to its designated cause
• 100% transparently - because you get to see what a difference it makes
This way we CAN all make a difference together - not because of some moral obligation or humanitarian duty - not because we should, could or must ... but because we CAN ...
We CAN appreciate the freedom and the power that we have to make a difference and celebrate it through Conscious Action ...


Es wurden 80,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

  • Turtle Eggs 80,00 €