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Change starts with you with a gift to our work

H. Nalugo Sabastian
H. Nalugo Sabastian schrieb am 05.10.2015

A gift or pledge of Euro 200 or greater is a significant investment in the mission ease the pain among children affected by HIV and AIDS.  At this level of giving,an entire family will feel the impact of your generosity.

Your gift can:

  • Substantially contribute to the expansion of programs  in rural communities of Uganda.
  • Fund a needy family income creation training costs
  • Outfit a community with the technical supplies they need, including livestock, seeds and trees
  • Fund our work in a specific community or fund a significant portion of a project in a community group.
  • You can supplement our donations from other donors like you.
Your benefits:
  • A personal relationship with a fundraiser who will lead you through this transformation commitment
  • In-person and phone updates on how your gift is being used to its full potential
  • Timely blog and reports on the impact your investment has made
  • Select mailings, including our newsletter.
  • Visiting our community projects during your annual leave or gap year.
  • Special access to NIRP staff including field officers.

Let us match your passions and interests with areas of great need.Reach us online with a message. Limit 600x450 image

Fig: Agriculture projects making communities hunger free.

touch a child's life today