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WPE Update

W. Heilmann
W. Heilmann schrieb am 07.11.2009

It is with great delight and honour to present to you this report of our work and in addition our plan of action for the future.

WPE has been heartily dedicated and committed to making the present and future condition of Cameroon´s natural resources and environment better. This has been carried out in the various domains of Education, Religion, Tradition and Arts and has an international impact.

WPE has engaged in educating and sensitizing the young Cameroon generation and the Adults of today about the importance and great role nature and the environment has to play to human life and the society in general. The academic year 2008/2009 had a lot of activities by WPE.

We organized lessons and also took action with many schools. We had lessons with them about:

-Nature and the Environment

-The important role played by animals in building the forest.

-The positive impact on the society if nature is protected.

-The negative impact on the society if nature is destroyed such as poverty and ecological disasters such as global warming.

-Teaching the children about the importance of planting trees and flowers

-Teaching the children how to make compose manure.

-Taking the children into practical work of planting beautiful trees and flowers in the school

Compound and today the children are very happy for how beautiful their school yard looks like and remain thankful to WPE:in addition they are requesting more of our attention.

-We also engaged in taking the children to an animal Zoo and to Mefou National Park, which was really something great for the children to see some of the wild animals like Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Monkeys, Lions, etc. live and they now see the need for these animals to be protected against killing and destruction.

An environmental song was also introduced to the children and shall be recorded in a studio soon. This song shall also serve as a vital instrument to pass on awareness about the importance of the environment and protection of nature as the song shall be famous in most media houses in the Country. You will be able to listen to a rough recording of the song at our homepage: www.wildplanetecoproject.org/action.html

As a matter of fact, the respond from the children and the population is very positive and encouraging. This gives WPE high hopes for greater success now and in the future.

It should be noted that, the impact of the work of WPE is not only felt by Cameroon but by the world. This is because natural resources have no boundaries and boundaries are only man made. For instance, the air breathe in Europe is as a result from the Rainforests in tropical countries.

Furthermore, species of animals, birds, trees that are not in other parts of the world but are in Cameroon gives a chance for tourist and researchers to visit Cameroon and gain some knowledge which they can also share in their various Countries about these animals and thereby making knowledge global.

WPE now is indulging in making the impact of its activities more felt in Cameroon and the world at large.

We are taking a bold step now to be working in collaboration with the Ministries in Cameroon.

The schools need more action now in regards to environmental and nature protection lessons and also taking action in the planting of trees and flowers including hygiene.

WPE is also in addition looking forward to organizing a big event to sensitize the population about the great role the environment and nature has to play in human life today.

In order for the impact of the work of WPE to be felt worldwide, we are humbly calling on the support of all WPE members and friends of WPE so that the work of WPE shall become a great success in Cameroon and to the entire world.

Together we stand, together we will win and make the world a better place.

Seta Wiertz

WPE Team Cameroon