wird verwaltet von Katja K.
Über uns
Cooperarperu was founded by a young Peruvian and supports the children of the small impoverished community Tankarpata near Cusco.
Cusco, the capital of the Inca, is located near the world-heritage Machu Picchu and magnet for thousands of tourists. The city is one of the most expensive ones in Peru and explodes from tourism.
20 minutes from the colonial centre are communities like Tankarpata without access to drinkable water, infrastructure, education, health-support and trade.
Alcoholism and violence are the daily routine of the majority of the children living in this comuntiy.
Infected by parasites from the water they drink, without awareness of personal hygiene and nutrition these children grow up in a surreal environment of countryside and garbage.
Cooperarperu and its volunteers help these children in terms of education, health-care, hygiene, social skills, environmental awareness , creativity and many other fields.
They organize christmas and birthday- celebrations that the children did not know before, small travels to historic places and sports-events.
Moreover it offers workshops for the mothers with themes like familiar violence, hygiene, family planification, to sell their handcrafts and psychological help.
Run by the national and international volunteers the project always struggled with the finances.
To make it more sustainable the founder created a cheap hostel in Cusco, related to the project where travelers and volunteers can rent a cheap , nice bed, settle in a familiar atmosphere and support the project financially and directly with their ideas.
since the necessity of financial input is bigger than the amount of travelers coming o the hostel the project still needs support from donations.
Letzte Projektneuigkeit
Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Das gesammelte Geld geht in die Finanzierung des Mittagstisches für unsere Kinder, um ihnen einen warme gesunde Mahlzeit am Tag zu gewährleisten und so ihrer Gesundheitsfürsorge zugute zu kommen. Ausserdem schulen wir somit die Eltern in Ernährungslehre und zeigen ihnen Ressourrcenorientierte Zubereitung der Nahrungsmittel.
Es wurden 200,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
volunteers and donations 200,00 €Kontakt
Siete Ventanas 243
Katja K.
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