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wird verwaltet von V. Dreike

Über uns

We are a small familiy charity enabling at the moment over 50 children to attend schools in Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia. We also assist with the training of nurses and teachers. A teacher at Mwiko School in the Virunga Mountains in Rwanda wants to attend a three year university course at a cost of 2000,-- Dollar which he cannot afford on a monthly salary of approx. 50,00 Dollar. Emmanuel is a hardworking and trustworthy teacher whom we know personally and want to help, so that his school will benefit from his professional training. It is our policy not to spend any money on administrative costs so any Dollar or Euro donated for Emanuell's training will be spend on his university fees. My son Oliver (www.olidreike.com) works in the safari industry in Africa and is also involved in community projects and in constant touch with all the childrend and nurses we support. My son Marcus is a teacher and I am a retired German diplomat spending most of my spare time on charity activities.


Drachenfelsstrasse 45

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