wird verwaltet von H. LWANGA
Über uns
Since its inception, the LOG`EL Project has been at the forefront, fighting to apply research and development for socio-economic development, motivate and inspire young Ugandan scientists to collectively further science, technology and innovation in the country.
Log`el project is a research and development science and technology organization that was established as an initiative of various professionals, academics and experts. The organization exists to advocate for improved young people’s involvement in national socio-economic transformation at various levels through science, technology and innovation.
A society of especially young, prosperous, scientists, technologists, professionals and entrepreneurs.
To ensure that young and other scientists, technologists, professionals and entrepreneurs become prosperous through innovative scientific and technological initiatives and entrepreneurial and agro-based initiatives.
1. To enable the youth to improve their livelihoods for community and national growth and development.
2. Creation of an innovative society and development driven society in a dynamic economy.
3. Engender the gender aspect in the national science and technology agenda.
4. Enable the youth to acquire more awareness about scientific and technological initiatives.
5. To enable the youth skilled in science and technology become more competitive and acceptable in the job market.
6. Establishment of an environment that provides for full exploitation of the old and modern research traditions that seek to add value to human potential in the science and technology sector.
7. Promoting entrepreneurship through the integration of science and technology initiatives and attitudes in all sectors of the economy
Mussajalumbwa Road, Mengo
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