wird verwaltet von S. Paranthaman
Über uns
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am S.Paranthaman.Managing Trustee SETHU EDUCATIONAL TRUST Thiruthuraipoondi,Thiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu,India.
Bring forth our whole heartfelt wishes and Greetings to you and your Respective Organization Trustees and Staffs.
SETHU EDUCATION TRUST is a Registered voluntary social service organization and working for the rural poorest of the poor and needy people . We have been implementing various welfare programs and projects for the up-liftment of downtrodden community from some other sources of assistance's as well as according our ability and possibility.
Therefore, We may kindly request you to fund/ fund raising support to our organization to implement welfare project for the poorest of the poor. Funding Requisition for your kind and perusal, Please guide us to obtain donations through your organization.. It is great privilege and opportunity to me to share with you the following Information’s you’re your kind and perusal.
We are Wish to Welcome your Donations/Contributions for following projects and programs. We have a PAYPAL Account for our SETHU EDUCATIONAL TRUST.
01. Nursery &Primary School Establishment
02. Establishment of Orphanage.
03. Establishment of Old age Home.
04. Gifts to the rural poor Children & People
05. Rural Village community development.
06. Sponsorship program helps children, youth and the aging.
07. Support to the widows and destitute.
08. Children Education support.
09. Income Generation programe for Rural Poor Women.
Hence, we may kindly consider our Appeal and you can send your funds/Donations Supports to do the Projects and Programs. Here with Enclosed our organization profile for your kind and perusal.
Please kindly send us your guidelines and application to associate with your organization.Please do the Needful and favors, We shall be ever sincere & grateful to you, We are looking forward to hear from you