Ssamba Foundation Uganda Volunteer Program
wird verwaltet von Isaac Ssamba
Über uns
We are operating in Kyampisi sub-county in Mukono district, about 35Kms from Kampala city, the capital of Uganda. Kyampisi is a typical rural area with about 60,000 people, whose social-economic conditions are very poor. 97% of the residents are subsistence farmers who mainly grow food crops for home consumption.
The result of the above is a very poor economic base with more than 90% of the families living under the poverty line. The main source of income for people is farming, whose produce price has drastically fallen.
Our priority program is Water, Education, Environment, Social-Economic and Health. We are mobilizing the community to put up a community resource centre, which will be rendering general social services to the community.
Ssamba Foundation is a community based development not-for-profit organization which was founded in 2006 by Isaac Ssamba. Ssamba Foundation provides long-term sustainable solutions to problems in rural Uganda which are mainly caused by poverty.
Kakoola Village, Kyampisi subcounty, Mukono-Kayunga road, Mukono, P.O Box 423 Mukono