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Community Development Base (CDB)

wird verwaltet von Stephen Mfumya

Über uns

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BASE is a community based organization registered to operate its activities in Arusha Tanzania. As a local child-centred community based organization, community development base (CDB) is committed to ensuring the fulfillment of children’s rights including their rights to protection, care and education. CDB is committed to protect children from harm and ensuring children’s right to protection under Article 19 of the UNCRC is fully realized. We take seriously our responsibility to promote child safe practices and protect children from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation in any form. In addition, we take positive action to prevent those who abuse children from becoming involved with CDB and take stringent measures against any CDB Staff, CDB Associates, CDB Visitors or CDB Managers who abuse a child.



Stephen Mfumya

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