Deutsch-Syrische Forschungsgesellschaft e.V.
wird verwaltet von Hani Harb
Unterstütze unsere Hilfsprojekte
Über uns
The German-Syrian Research Association (DSFG) is a non-profit non-governmental organization established in Germany and founded in 2016 by Syrians and Germans of Syrian origin. It was built out of the will, the establishment of a Syrian community for research and science in Germany, as well as the creation of a Syrian lobby within the German Centers for Research and Science. The aim is to support Syrian students and scholars in their studies and work in Germany and, in addition, to obtain the relevant scholarships so that they can continue their scientific career in Germany.
Letzte Projektneuigkeit

We received a payout of €121.87
We will start establishing a better online and offline donation campaigns. The money currently is too little to start our scholarship program. We need to utilize these funds for more outreach and better campagining
Hartmut-Colden Str. 28