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Your Public Value e.V.

wird verwaltet von V. Coulloudon

Über uns

YOUR PUBLIC VALUE e.V. is a non-profit association registered in Berlin in January 2018. Its mission is to promote public value, good governance, and integrity by enabling dialogue between government, business and society, both at national and international levels. We believe that openness and participation contribute to increasing trust, social and environmental impact, as well as economic success. We also consider that the current distrust towards government and business is rooted in the asymmetry and inequality of participation.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

I received a payout of €424.13

  V. Coulloudon  16. April 2019 um 17:33 Uhr

As the projected sum has not been completed, and the donations come exclusively from members of Your Public Value e.V., we will write to all donors asking for the authorisation to use their funds for core expenses related to the governance of the Association.



Friedrichstrasse 246

V. Coulloudon

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