Haydom-Friends e.V.
wird verwaltet von t. harbauer
Unterstütze unsere Hilfsprojekte
Über uns
h2011 ins Leben gerufen unterstützt der Verein HaydomFriends e.V. die medizinische Versorgung der Kinder am Haydom Lutheran Hospital in Tansania. Darüberhinaus unterstützen wir die operative Versorgung und die Langzeitnachsorge von Kindern die in Haydom mit Hydrocephalus und Spina Bifida geboren wurden. Ohne eine nötige Operation und Nachsorge versterben diese Kinder häufig an Komplikationen wie Hirndruck und Infektion. Wir machen uns stark für die Aufklärung über diese Erkrankung und unterstützen die Eltern in der Versorgung ihrer erkrankten und in Haydom operierten Kinder. Im Austausch mit dem Personal vor Ort sponsern wir Mobilitätshilfen für die Kinder, Operationskosten, medizinisches Material und Equipment für die Kinderstation und organisieren Kontinenzmanagment Trainingskurse für Eltern deren Kinder an einer Spina Bifida erkrankt sind. In Kooperation mit dem Team vor Ort sorgen wir so für eine nachhaltige und ganzheitliche Langzeitversorgung der kleinen Patienten.
Letzte Projektneuigkeit
Wir haben 6.596,84 € Spendengelder erhalten
It´s been almost a year already since contracts and papers for the land has been signed and we are running a bit behind bringing you the latest updates.
First of all we want to bring you our most warm hearted thanks and best wished for the new year. Without you we would not have made all this progress possible. Your donations and your motivational words keep us going. Thanks so much.
Since our last upate the Haydom team and our Haydom-Friends team has put heads together to come across with a good plan and design for the future house for our kids with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Infact we have found help from a Norwegian architecual team that already is working together with a team of local arechitects to build a new Haydom Hospital. So we had been able to jump on top on that moving train, as we say in German, and they are all very motivated to extend their local work to help us build the House of Hope.
Infact during all those planning and brainstorming sessions we came up with the final idea to not only invest and plan to build one single building but to create a communal space of several living bungalows for the parents and their babies to be a bit more private and we have added a bigger communal house with lots of common space for education, meetings, space for daily physiotherapy, space for little craft projects of the mothers and meeting space for the parent leaders. All the buildings are planned to be build with local material and are all connected by ramps and in a wheelchairacessible way.
The buildings are facing to an inside more private circle with seating opportunities in the shade of a big tree or under the extended roof of the buildings. There is an outdoor kitchen and a small playground on the inside area for the spina kids.
All this is completed by a big garden in the outside ring area together with a big recreational place for the kids, a concrete area for wheelchair basketball and skating for both wheelchairkids as well as the kids from the village.
Now that all the planning process is finished it is time for the architectures and their team to get their first salary and we have to pay the first part for Pre-Planning and all the permits in order to get permission to build.
All the documents are handed in to the official offices and we are waiting for approval. As soon as we are getting the permit and our drawings stamped we will start with part two, meaning putting the concrete foundation for all of the buildings. Than to continue with the first big communal building, hoping to get this one finished till the end of May.
Glad to have you with us on this exciting journey.
More news coming up soon,
Stay excited with us and help us more along the way. We are happy to welcome you to Haydom wether in May or October and get to know our families and team there and besides an incredible country to explore.
Yours Theresa.
Mersburger Strasse 23
t. harbauer
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