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Simwatachela Sustainalble Agricultural and Arts

wird verwaltet von A. Ditton

Über uns

The intention is to alleviate hunger through the community’s proactive efforts in planting seeds for respective community gardens and to use the excess food to feed their families, to generate income and to further projects in their villages. Additional emphasis on working with arts and crafts to preserve traditional Tonga culture near the Lower Zambezi River in Zambia, Sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Other project model in the future is to be implemented in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Our large-scale intention is to create a market to sell our indigenous products to local people as well as to tourists: honey from the Bee-Keeping Groups, clothing from the Women’s Groups, Tonga crafts by the Artisans, furniture by the Carpentry Groups. Some of the local art from both Zambia and Sierra Leone is being promoted in the States, via art museums, on-line purchasing or even in stores around the country. Wooden art from Zambia as well as paintings from Sierra Leone are available for purchase on the project website: www.ssaap.org (site currently in development):


Bainbridge Island, WA, 98110

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