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Saving Agrobiodiversity in the Carpatian Mountains

wird verwaltet von J. Saldobosch

Über uns

The Carpathian Mountains are border-crossings mountains with parts in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia. Oblast Transcarpathia in Ukraine at the Romanian border to the Maramures region is specially affected by the proximity to the border. Concerning the buffalo populations in both countries, there is a urgent need for interbreeding due to a massive decline of the gen pool, especially on the ukrainian side. This region is characterized by low industrial development and by rural self-sufficiency.

The German, non-profit association „Initiative to preserve rare breeds of domestic animals in the Carpathian Mountains“ deals with lifestock support of the Carpathian buffalo population in Transcarpathia. In cooperation with the Ukrainian NGO Збереження агро-біорізноманіття Карпатських гір "Protection of agrobiodiversity in Transcarpathia" we achieved the development of a nucleus herd of 18 buffaloes and installed a rescue station called „Saldobosch“ (http://www.arca-net.info/). The farm building of Saldobosch, close to the village Chust, also includes the administration offices of both partner organizations.

From there the stock of 39 Carpathian Buffaloes in Transcarpathia is documented, managed and breeded by the help of a breeding book programme. Because of this small quantity of individuals and there relation between each other the Transcarpathian population is endangered by inbreeding. The need of genetic exchange with the Romanian population is very high for both sides. As the situation of the buffalo population in Romania is developing similarly dramatic, there should also be an interest of interbreeding the separated populations with similar genetic features.

Please help us to locate possible funding, to identify potential partners and to continue to draw attention to this problem.

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Donations that cannot be used for the project

  (Gelöschtes Mitglied)  25. Juli 2016 um 14:49 Uhr

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Outside the Village

J. Saldobosch

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