Inspiring Hearts for Autism
wird verwaltet von M. Sanborn
Über uns
We’re Inspiring Hearts for Autism, a 501 (c)(3), and we are currently offering services to the lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders in Lapeer, Michigan, as well as our neighbors. In our county alone, we serve three cities, seven villages and eighteen townships. We neighbor six counties and have many families that have had no place to turn. We are often the first line of support and understanding that these families find and approach. Most let out an audible sigh of relief when they realize they are not alone. And with IHA , our families are never alone, we are a strong and thriving organization that is passionately committed to making a difference in our community and beyond. We invite you to join us on our journey as we continue to grow and provide even more, not only to those families but to our community at large.
Currently we offer many services, a parent/caregiver support group- offering support both online and off with a monthly meeting at a local coffee shop, a friendship club for children and teens (Austin’s Friendship Club) and we’ve recently added advocacy for families within our school system, as well as ongoing educational programs for our community and schools. We have been out and about all over the community, including a booth during Lapeer Days. But despite this growth, and our strength, it’s simply not nearly enough, the need is too great.
As you read this, every 20 minutes there is a child diagnosed with Autism. More children will be diagnosed with Autism than Aids, diabetes and cancer combined. It truly has become a public health crisis and we are passionately committed to doing all we can to assist these children and families, at their earliest age through adulthood.
2690 Flint River Road