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Harambee Schools Kenya

wird verwaltet von W. Snell

Über uns

Education is vital because it makes people into knowledgeable and responsible citizens, and thus creates the conditions for democracy. It allows people to make use of the resources they already have, however scarce, as efficiently and productively as possible. And it gives people the chance to escape from poverty not only by getting better jobs, but by making informed and sensible choices and decisions.

Kenyan education needs non-governmental assistance, from within and outside Kenya. The government lacks sufficient resources to provide an adequate basic educational infrastructure, especially in rural areas.

HSK aims to tackle these issues by dealing with as many aspects of education as possible:

* We aim to improve the physical state of schools by funding construction projects and providing textbooks; neither of these can be effective without the other.
* We work closely with local communities throughout; we believe that projects must have full community support and involvement if they are to have an impact and be truly sustainable. Their involvement also means that improvements made are maintained and looked after so that they do not fall into disrepair.
* We build capacity within local economies to supply schools with the services that they need, while supporting local entrepreneurs. For example, the young carpenter whom we trained to make high quality, durable furniture for HSK has had so much work recently that he has been able to train and employ three former street boys.


19 Princes Avenue
N3 2DA
Vereinigtes Königreich

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