Humble Hearts
wird verwaltet von Beatrice A.
Über uns
Humble Hearts is centre is an educationnon-profit institution helping both hearing and deaf disadvantaged Primary andsecondary year school students transform their lives and end poverty througheducation.
Vision: Disability is not Inability
Mission: Cultivate a textpeople
A textperson is someone who finds meaning inthe world through confidence, active and skilled learning.
Team work
Everyone belongs
Humble Hearts was started on the 9th of September 2003 and was registered as a Community Based Organisation in 2004.Humble Hearts centre targets learners;
From the slums and low middle income area.
From Very poor families that comprise ofsingle headed, inflicted by sickness or headed by elderly persons.
Children from very poor families thatcannot afford fees or other charges
Out-of-school deaf children who have beensuffering stigmatization because of cultural beliefs that deafness is a curseand an embarrassment
Its main objectives was to reach to the out-of–school deaf child who were out either due to poverty, cultural belief and stigmatization so that they could have an education, food and shelter. The centre started with 3 deaf children then 9and by the end of 2004 the number of deaf children had rose to 40. This wasmade possible through public barazas organised by the local administration,announcements made in local churches and through social workers, all thisexercises were geared towards enlightening the community that deafness is justa disability and not an inability.
In 2005 the centre opened its door to siblingsof the deaf so that they could learn sign language hence opening the door tothe hearing community by the end of that year the number of children had rose500 children.
Currently the centre has 200 children from baby class to secondary and team of 21committed staff. 80% of the childrenstay in the centre. The centre acquiredland in Njiru Saika where is currently located.
Role/whywe exist
Support the Kenyan government to achieveeducation targets since 300,000 children in urban areas are in low incomeschools
Provide alternative system for learnersdissatisfied with the public schools or those unable to access educationthrough the formal system.
Provide affordable and quality education.
Provide flexible system of education e,gchildren who join school late.
Provide a friendly learning environment forchildren from poor families.
To provide food and shelter and security tothe needy homeless children.
The board is made of five experienced andproven people of integrity who have been or are still involved in the variousareas of management as appended here-in-below.
The Director
The Administrator
The financial controller
TheTargeted Beneficiaries
The purpose of the centre is to assist asmany of the rejected deaf and orphans as possible. The main areas of aid is in education,shelter, food, counselling and training the young adults in self sustaininghome-based income generating
activities like bead making
Service to humanity can be challenging, Prayerkeeps us positive, calls to mind the mission behind the money and reconcilesmisunderstandings. It overcomes fear inthose who ask and softens the hearts of those who give. This is why we believe prayer is an integralpart of success and kindly ask the Kenya Pipeline to partner with us intransforming the lives of the Kenyan children
Letzte Projektneuigkeit
Good Academic Performance
This is year started well our secondary kids who sat for their final examination last year got their results back and the performance was very good, this year we have 24 other sitting for final exams that will help them get a chance in the university come next year, the biggest challenge is the registration money which many are not able to pay, each student is supposed to pay 10,000 ksh we have been able to raise 5000 ksh for each and are now calling for your support to help us in raising the remaining money so that this children will not miss out on their exams, your prayers and support will be highly appreciated.
When our students recieved their results this year they went into the street singing and dancing the next day 20 mothers brought their kid to school, let us all join hands to keep the fire of education that transforms burning.
Kangundo Road
Obama Esate
Beatrice A.
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