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Africa Watoto

wird verwaltet von betterplace-Team

Über uns

The mission of Africa Watoto is to promote and inspire individuals and groups through projects that help save vulnerable children lives, bring hope and restore dignity. We work with established children homes and centers in Kenya offering them help in projects, education, nutrition and child care.

Letzte Projektneuigkeit

Cancellation of project

  betterplace-Team  13. September 2016 um 14:51 Uhr

Dear donors,

the project was cancelled by the project manager Stella.

The cancellation of the aid project is effected according to paragraph 7.5.2. of our terms and conditions for organisations and projects without tax advantages. (The donations that haven’t yet been paid out and could not been refunded to the donors will be transferred to betterplace.org and will be used for statuory purposes. Please find more information here:



In case you have any questions you can contact us via support@betterplace.org.

Best regards

Your betterplace.org-team



17 030 - 8


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