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Running Relations

wird verwaltet von O. Grübner

Über uns

Running Relations is a non-profit organisation which improves the life and living conditions of runners and their families in Kibera Slum, Nairobi. By providing better nutrition and education to those in need we promote running as one part of a healthy, well-rounded life.

Physical movement is a great social equaliser. Great athletes and great people can come from any background or country in the world. When we run, all of our troubles and all of our circumstances seem to drop away. All we know is the sound of our breathing, the beating of our hearts and the feeling of our feet hitting the pavement. Our world recedes.

But when we stop moving our surroundings are brought back into focus. People are different and live their lives in very different conditions and with very different opportunities set out before them.

Running Relations bridge cultural differences by using running as a platform for communication. Through dialogue and the exchange of knowledge we can all live in a better, more interconnected world – a world in which everyone can reach their full potential.

We are all the same when we run, we want it to be more the same when we don’t.

Running Relations is a network of runners passionate about making sustainable difference in the world. We run both socially and competitively, and support programs around the world which do the same.

Our membership is made up of two broad categories: registered runners and scholarship runners. Registered runners are those who are in a position to give their time and their money to the cause of healthy running. Scholarship runners are those we help to become better runners and improve their lives outside of running. Despite their differences, all of our members are passionate about running and…

Registered runners in Sweden organise running groups in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö and Linköping. These running groups might have different motivations – fitness, health, sociability – but they all agree with the basic aims and values of the Running Relations network. Upon becoming a registered runner with Running Relations you will be free to join any of these groups, or if you prefer, start your own running group.

Our scholarship program is currently focusing on runners in Kibera, Nairobi, Africa’s second largest slum area. We sponsor runners and organise projects to promote running within the broader framework of a healthy lifestyle.

If you are interested in finding out more about our efforts to promote education and running in Kibera, please see our projects page.

When you are ready to join Running Relations, please head over to our sign-up page, and find a running group near you.

Kenswed Academy – ”Follow your dream – education is the path to a brighter future”

Kenswed Academy is a secondary outside Nairobi, at the foot of Ngong Hills, in Kenya. The school is supported and maintained by Global Relations, the sister organization of Running Relations. The school provides modern education for youths from harsh background. Students are selected to get support for the school. The purpose is to help the students to get out of the slum with free education. The school has 58 students, six teachers, and one cook. The target is to have 200 students before year 2015.

Read more about Kenswed Academy on the website of Global Relations http://www.globalrelations.nu/Kenswed.html


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