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Peace by Youth

wird verwaltet von Nisar A.

Über uns

PEACE BY YOUTH (PY) is established in the year 2010, and got registered in 2011, under Agencies Registration and Control Ordinance 1961 (XIVI of 1961) with the idea to empower and encourage young people for Decision making in all fields of life, Youth Development, Capacity Building, Poverty Alleviation, Rural Development, Emergency Relief, Public Library and Health Awareness Campaign Services in district Jacobabad.
PY works with objective to serve humanity in form of capacity building, generating environment to bring change in attitude & behaviour of local community. So the existing Socio condition paves way to new era. Organizing counselling sessions for adolescents and youth is a regular feature for all types of institutions. This enables them to take decision as per their need; which leads to Social-economic uplift.


Near Old NIC Office, Sheedi Muhallah

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