Horn of Africa Development Initiative - HODI
wird verwaltet von Fatuma A.
Über uns
Horn of Africa Development Initiative founded and registered in 2007 as an NGO to work in Marsabit County in Northern Kenya region. Since inception the organization has been working with women and children as the focus group in Marsabit. More details on the organization programs and initiatives can be found on our website http://www.hodiafrica.org/. HODI exists to champion justice and development in northern Kenya through advocacy, livelihood support, education and community cohesion.
Letzte Projektneuigkeit
Donations that cannot be used for the project
Dear donors,
when managers of a project haven't requested a payout over the course of a longer period, the German law and our terms of use provide that we (gut.org gemeinnützige AG, operator of betterplace.org) use the money for our tax-deductible purposes. The same applies to the cancellation of a project, where the manager of the project is unable to realize it.
Therefore we will use these donations for the following purposes
Thanks for your support,
the betterplace.org-team
Marsabit Isiolo Highway
Fatuma A.
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