I'M innovative movement.
wird verwaltet von M. Weisz
Über uns
We are a newly-founded Austrian-based organization specializing in providing food, shelter, and access to education for street children in Guatemala.
To provide food, temporary lodging and shelter, and access to education for women and children living in the Antigua, Sacatepequez region of Guatemala.
Company Overview
We are a small organization currently in the founding stages of development. We are presently in the process of accepting and receiving our initial donations and developing our web platform.
We will be holding our first fundraiser at a Flohmarkt at the end of October and shortly thereafter we will be holding our first official dinner-plate fundraiser in Vienna, Austria sometime in mid-November.
Based on our current business trajectory and analysis we hope to have raised enough money to start operations on-the-ground in Antigua, Guatemala by the beginning of December. This task will be accomplished by our Founder: Michaela Weisz and co-Founder Christoph Weisz.
Our short-term goals are as follows:
October-November: fundraising in Austria and Switzerland.
December: move operations base to Antigua, Guatemala and find/rent a house that will serve as ground-zero for our Organization's on-the-ground operations.
January: find and locate families to work with and identify which children are most in need of our help. Also, further program development and cost-analysis. (School begins 2nd week of January). Apply for 501(c)3 IRS tax status for Non-Profit Organizations.
February: start outreach programs with families. Further fundraising in Guatemala and at home in Europe. Connect with local periodicals i.e.: La Prensa, Que Pasa, and El Diario.
March-April: identify special needs and specific support goals for the next year. Locate and allocate resources needed to meet these needs, i.e.: social workers, psychiatrists, therapists, health professionals, etc. Make and attend any and all repairs needed to prepare for the rainy season.
May-June: build rain-catching systems in residential homes of families associated with our projects. Work on research and testing of alternative power-methods in rural areas. Implement these methods for testing in the field with local families. Further fundraising and website development in Austria.
July: networking with other organizations in the area and collaborating resources together to streamline efficiency.
August: swimming lessons. Receiving visits from Austrian/Swiss Donors. Revising public image and project-pitching to European-based companies for help and support.
September: make plans for school vacations (children in Guatemala with no opportunities during school vacations often end up on the street) and what to do with the children. Locate schools for new children for up-coming January school year.
October: making the University connection. Work on getting local college students involved in the process of educating and caring for the younger members of their generation. Connecting with European-based volunteers who want to come and volunteer on short and long-term bases.
November-December: full concept-analyses and adaptation to the growth and changes of the first year of operations. Further planning for the new school year. Baking Christmas cookies, preparing for Santa, etc. Possibly returning to Austria for a week to touch-base. Publishing year-one cost-analysis and establishing target goals for the following year.
Letzte Projektneuigkeit
Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können
Liebe Spender,
dieses Projekt wurde gemäß Ziffer 8.1. unserer AGB für nicht steuerbegünstigte Organisationen und Projekte abgebrochen.
Die noch nicht beantragten Spendengelder, die nicht mehr an die Spender zurück überwiesen werden konnten, fallen an betterplace.org, die diese für die Verfolgung ihrer satzungsgemäßen Zwecke einsetzt. Hier gibt es mehr Informationen dazu.
Bei Fragen könnt Ihr uns gern kontaktieren: support@betterplace.org.
Beste Grüße
Euer betterplace.org-Team
Peter-Jordan-Str. 94
M. Weisz
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