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wird verwaltet von A. Murtezi

Über uns

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

Chef of inside service has these rights and responsibilities :

• Is depended directly by executive director
• Should inform immediately the executive director and the president for every problem that could happened inside the service
• Should organize the work based on rules both with the inside staff
• Should compile and design the graphic of services for daily ,monthly and should be approved by the executive director
• Should control and has knowledge about health conditions of any person who is sheltered here
• Should take all the measures about health services for shelters in every moment
• Should call the doctor at anytime for medicine services
• Should inform the executive director for any problem that could be happened during services
• Should note in the notebook any special case
• Should note in the book of visitors any person that came from outdoor
• Should note in the book of impression any contact person ,sponsor ,foreign donator or from our country

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005


Social elements are all the persons that are alone , violented , victims of drug , victims of prostitution , victims of traffic and also families that have had natural badluck.

Inside rules for shelter persons

Every person who is sheltered in our institution should put into practice all rules of living inside the rizidence
1. To keep silence where they live
2. To clean the place where they live
3. If they are able to serve themselves ,they should do and respect all rules of sanitation inside the building
4. If they are not able to serve themselves ,they should look for help and services in any moment

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

Responsibilities of economic director

Economic director is the most important person who led economic and financial issues of humanity assosiciation Besa 03 and he is depended by executive director .

He has these rights and duties .
• Economic director corporates with executive director design and compile plan –searching for logistic materials of association and base materials of work.
• Based on statistics he compiles the plan of spending in details for monthly , semi-year and for a year ,also he approves it which is supported by others.
• He elaborates lists of making contracts with corporating institutions which are linked with our social center.
• Based on number of people who are registreted as shelters he supplies with food.
• He secures and supplies the hospital and the emergency with drugs and medicines .
• He follows all the documents of enter-exit of financial , which are associated with documents of salary.

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

Cooker s duty

• The cooker is depended by economic director and he has responsibility to:

1. Take the base materials for work based on documents that came by magazine .
2. To protect these materials
3. To hold penal and low responsibility for cooking
4. To cook with quality and quantity based on rule and by the doctor of the center
5. To be correct with the timetable of work based on rules that are decided.
6. Should not accept food that are not controlled by the doctor
7. Is responsible of keeping clean the environment based on sanitation rules.
8. The staff of cooking should have health license based on sanitation rules .
9. He should preserve a kind of all kinds of food that are cooked in every meal
10.The kind is preserve for 24 hours after the time of eating
11.Before The food will be distributed the food should be signed in order to confirm that the food is controlled by the doctor

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

In social shelter center everyone who search the help to shelter in this center has the right to shelter without taking into the consideration the age, faith, sex and nationality.
Shelter is for everyone who needs or it for people that are brought by someone else (members of family office of social health near communal etc.)
The person can have temporary shelter or permanently shelter.
The person who wants to have temporary shelter should have all the documents that search the rule of acceptance.

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

Duties of the doctor
The doctor has the responsibility to
• Take care for health services for all the persons that are shelter with cartel.
• To design the graphic of services which are for daily, weekly and monthly for the personal to serve depending on necessities that are created in/by institution .
• To search the fulfillment of staff with health services related to the conditions that are shown and the right speciality.
• To control in a systematic way the rule and the sanitation in institution.
• To control with book server quality of nurture during three meals signing for every meal their eating.
• To search furnition with health license for all the employers that work in social center.

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

1.The persons who serve in humanitarian associsiation Besa 03 should put on uniforme like below:
2.Persons who direct the associsiation Besa 03 are:
a)The chef of inside service
b)The chef of service doctor
c)Economic director
d)The coordinator of foreign relaitionships
e)The director of bord
f)The president
g)the uniforme should same for all with colours white and green .

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

The rule of acceptance for people who wants to be part of our center
-The persons who wants to be part of our residence should have these documents:
1. Identification documents like passport. Identity card
2. Document that shows where the person lives
3. Document of the person that brings the shelter
4. A written document to be part of the shelter

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005
1. A written document that shows that he/she wants to work
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. A photocopy of passport and of identity card
4. The diplome should be notorised
5. A photocopy of notorised diplome
6. Different certification or qualifications
7. 4 photos
8. Evaluation of work where he/she has worked
9. Work license
10.A raport that is taken by hospital that shows that you are ablr to work.
11.Permission by commune or council
12. Document of penality

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005
Responsibilities of magaziner are:
The magaziner is depended by economic director and he has these duties:
• To take all the materials into consideration based on the inventer
• To take care and well-administration of all materials base that are in magazine
• To control the quality and quantity of materials that he takes and give based on the document of enter-exit
• Every entering or exiting from magazine should be assossiated by the approvement of economic director and executive director
• Takes penal responsibility for everything that is damaged or lost
• For every problem related to the quality of everything that enter or go he should inform the economic director
• Should respect the timetable of working

Address : Vaudejes ,Albania . tel: 00355:-(o)685534199,
Email: besa03lezhalbania@yahoo.co.uk
Court Decision Nr 526 Dt 05/02/2003. Court Decision Nr 526/1 Dt 29/05/2008.Council Decision Nr 15 Dt 18/03/2005. Perfecture Decision Nr 396/1 Dt 05/04 /2005.Council Decision Nr34 Dt 15/05/2005Health control Decision Nr 113 Nr 957 Dt 14/07/2006Banc account (Albanian Lek 11/00014957.Valute 901100, GBP495801011Tax Nr(NIPT) K57101003P Dt 01/09/2005

Responsibilities of the guider of our center

The guider of our object is depended by the chef of the inside service and he has these duties:
• To control everything before he starts to serve until he finishes the service based on the ruler and in the inventer
• He should sign in the service book before he starts to work
• During the time he is serving he should not accept to enter the persons that are not authorized
• Should have continuing contacts with the responser of inside service
• To keep notes of hour and date for every person who came and go in our institution .
• Takes penal and law responsibility for every material that goes out from our institution without the right documents
• For every problem that he could have he inform the responser of the center.


Dajc Lezhe