Tanzania Albinism Society
wird verwaltet von E. Kimaya
Über uns
About Us:
Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) is a national non-profit organization established in 1978 by albinos. TAS is helping to protect and empower people with Albinism in Tanzania and serves over 12,000 registered members.
Our Mission:
TAS strives to emancipate albinos in Tanzania and Africa as a whole from society’s negative attitude, discrimination, stigma and humiliation by overcoming barriers that hinder them from enjoying human rights.
Our Vision:
TAS envisions an inclusive society promoting dignity of albinos
Our Goal:
To contribute on advancing human rights and improving standard of living for people with albinism.
TAS is proud to have received the Martin Luther King Major Drum for Justice Award in 2009.
Please visit our website www.tanzaniaalbinosociety.org
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Dar es Salaam