God's Glory Children Foundation
wird verwaltet von L. Akuffo
Über uns
God’s Glory Children Foundation was founded on 24th June 2008 by Rev. John Richard Baffour Awuah & Rev. Laud K Akuffo. It is a Non- profit organisation and a Non-governmental organisation that works in Kasoa, Ghana.
The Foundation was founded as it was recognised that there are too many young children out on the streets as they cannot afford to go to school. Many of these children have nobody to care for them as they are orphaned. The Foundation has realised that education is the key to improving the lives of these children and thus is focusing on this.
God’s Glory Children Foundations main aim is to provide impoverished and orphaned children with an education, paying their school fees and supplying them with school equipment and uniform. We hope that this will help pull them out of poverty and provide them with a brighter future. With an education they will be able to get a better job and they will be able to provide for themselves. At the school they also receive lunch which provides them with one good meal a day. We are already
supporting 40 children at Maranatha prep-school www.maranathaprepsch.com
We are also hoping for volunteers to come and help teach these children which will provide them with a different outlook on life and expand their world views. If you are interested in volunteering more info can be found on or website www.godsglorychildrenfoundation.com .
In addition, we see a great need in the health care sector in Ghana and thus want to help in this area. We hope to provide local hospitals with equipment and help with the admission of those that could otherwise not afford it. Furthermore, volunteers can come and help with consultations at these hospitals and make any suggestions that would lead to improvements.
Any volunteers with experience in this area will also be able to help by applying their skills and working in the hospitals alongside the nurses and doctors.
The staffs of the Foundation together with volunteers and your donations hope to achieve the above stated goals.
We mostly welcome every one who wishes to support us. Thank you in advance for your kind help!
P.O. BOX KN 4089,Kaneshie – Accra