Some GREAT News
K. Bews schrieb am 27.02.2009
We have just recently fulfilled the POWER PLATE need for Josh, this was made possible by Bodo and Cape Town Ten's Rugby who have arranged a direct sponsorship deal with Power Plate SA. Huge Thanks to Brink and the Power Plate Team for your support in sponsoring Josh, the Power plate My 3 Demo model has been delivered and set up at Josh's home, he will soon be updating you with his progress. We had originally received a very generous donation towards the purchasing of the power plate, and have now put this money towards the purchasing of a desktop computer for Josh. He is about to start a 2 year computer programming course therough intec, and his lapop crashed last week, so with this donation and the sponsorhip from power plate we are now able to get this computer for Josh. I have created and fulfilled the need for the desktop computer. EXCELLENT and thanks to all!