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Water For The Thirsty (Rural Ghana)

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Proposal for this project. Its explains into detai

Selasi Koffi A.
Selasi Koffi A. schrieb am 04.04.2011


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Water, as we all know, is a basic necessity of life. No one can, in fact, live without it. It is a chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. It is vital for all known forms of life. Water is also tasteless, colorless, odorless and be found in three forms: liquid, solid (ice), and water vapor in the air (gas). Water is said to be safe and portable when it is sufficiently high quality. It can be consumed and used without the risk of immediate or long term harm. Water is said to be impure or non- portable when it causes chronic illness or do not meet the standards for drinking. Some places where water is extracted are from rivers, lakes, dams, the sea, et cetera. The use of safe water is a right for every individual but due to some situations some individuals do not get the access to use safe water for their daily chores. Rescue Aid Foundation wants to make this dream of every individual having safe water a reality. That is why we have taken it upon ourselves to help every rural community to get at least one bore-hole or a water system. This can only be achieved by your help. Rescue Aid Foundation (RAF) is a non-profit making Christian Humanitarian Organization that believes there is hope for every rural child and family. We make their dreams come true by providing the remotest villages with basic materials. We provide service through feeding programs, shelter, bore-hole water, educational and health care. We are focused on rural Ghana.

Since RAF is a non-profit organization, funding for our projects are made possible by generous individuals across the world who are mostly touched by the plight of these poor children and families and are ready to help change their lives. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->


Who we serve

RAF helps transform the lives of the rural Africa's poorest children and families. Our non-profit work extends assistance to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs, gender, race, or ethnic background.  <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->

Why we serve

RAF is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities in rural Africa to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.  <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->

How we serve 

Relationships are the starting point and the end goal of RAF’s work. Through relationships with community leaders, RAF staff helps communities set goals that families can achieve by working together. By our demonstration of God's love through our work, we hope that people will experience life in all its fullness.  <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->

Community Development

Helping people to discover and use their own vision, skills, and resources to move from abject poverty to abundant living is our aim. Targeting critical needs: clean water, reliable food supplies, access to basic health care, access to education, and income-generating microeconomic development is of utmost importance to RAF. Partnering with churches, governments, local organizations, and international agencies is what RAF endeavors to do.  <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->

Disaster Relief

Responding to rural Africa's natural disasters and slow-building humanitarian emergencies around Africa, saving lives and reducing suffering by tracking crises, pre-positioning emergency supplies for immediate response, and remaining after the crisis to rebuild and restore communities is yet another positive aspect of this dynamic foundation. Global Issues 

Engaging in rural Africa's AIDS Hope Initiative of prevention and care, especially for widows, orphans, and vulnerable children, that brings a compassionate Christian response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic is where RAF extends its hands to make a better tomorrow for a better world.  BACK-GROUND

The indigenous people in the rural communities of Ghana are mainly famers. RAF, whose focus on rural Ghana, has researched and from the collected data, have seen that the mass majority of people living in the rural areas rely upon rivers for their day- to- day chores and activities. The people in these rural communities share river bodies with animals that end up rendering the unsafe water more damaging with all sorts of infections.

RAF has been able to learn a digging process (bore-hole) from an international water organization: HYDRO-MISSIONS in the USA as a temporal means of giving a community good drinking water. In February last year, (WATER AID GHANA) funded us on a training program to host a four member team from Hydro Missions in SC to teach us how to drill a well using their well-developed technology. We have been able to provide several rural communities with a simple and portable well which serves up to 100 people with water daily in smaller communities. In our search for a bigger development in providing two – three gallons of water to a person in a community with about 5000 indigenous people(this means that, this system should provide up to three gallons of water to 3000 - 5000 people on a daily bases), we were able to discover a new technology called ‘’LWTS PURIFICATION SYSTEM’’.

RAF’s responsibility is to provide the items needed for the project as well as either sending a personnel to SC to learn how to operate and maintain this system or bring down a team from SC here to teach us how to operate and maintain this awesome system. 

The short term solution is for Rescue Aid Foundation to provide people from rural areas with sufficient drinking water by digging a bore hole. This proposed solution will go a long way to keep families from relying on their previous source of water (the contaminated river).

The middle term solution is for Rescue Aid Foundation to get the government to dig another standard bore-hole to support this vital and necessary project done by Rescue Aid Foundation. There is no dispute that all around would benefit and desires to sustain the rural communities for years to come.

The long term solution is for Rescue Aid Foundation to get a long term system that will provide at least 5 gallons of water per minute pumped into a reservoir and distributed at vantage points for a large community. This new LWTS purification system is the way out of our much despair.



The goal of this project is to assist the people of the rural communities with their right as entitled humans: PROVISION OF ADEQUATE and UP-TO-STANDARD DRINKING WATER. PROJECT OBJECTIVES

The objective to this project is to increase access to sanitation and portable drinking water along with the enhancement of livelihood for people living in the rural communities through economic activities.


The outcome for this project is to minimize time spent by school children in searching for water for home consumption before getting to school. The outcome is also to reduce the long search of water by parents. This cost- efficiency proposal will better assist their farming activities. Therefore, the provision of water will increase productivity to the national economy, reducing illnesses caused by drinking that very element which is meant to sustain and prolong life.


The Living Water™ Treatment System  The Living Water Treatment System (LWTS) is essentially a miniature water treatment plant. Like many municipal treatment facilities in developed countries, this unit relies on filtration and chemical disinfection for production of safe drinking water. Filtration physically removes particulate and bacteriological contaminants, while chemical disinfection neutralizes any remaining pathogens and ensures the treated water is safe to drink. This method is very effective, and, when operated properly, the LWTS™ will provide a community with safe drinking water for many years. 

This system has been specifically designed to be used in a difficult environment. It is ruggedly built, simple to operate, and easily maintained. The back-washable filters eliminate the need for costly and difficult filter replacement. The necessary chemicals used to filter and disinfect are common and reasonably priced in most countries. The cost of the electricity to power the pumps is typically the most costly item of providing safe water for the community, but even when using a diesel powered generator (the most costly source) the total operational cost is less than $3.00 per 1000 gallons. When operating on solar power, the operating cost drops to less than $.75 per 1000 gallons. 

The Living Water Treatment System treats 10 gallons (38 liters) of water per minute from raw water sources such as rivers, lakes, springs, ponds, or wells providing the daily water needs (3-4 gallons per person)* of between 150-200 people each hour the system operates.  INVOLVEMENT OF RAF’S STAFF Our project team and other staff will be on the field throughout the duration of the project to assist the community in enhancing the success of the project. Our staff will do all necessary errands for an accomplished project. Our staff will also monitor this project on a monthly basis upon completion in order to keep accurate, reliable and trustworthy records for ensuring a well- maintenance and smooth-running program. PROJECT DURATION

This project could take up to two weeks on a short term basis and up to a month on a long term basis for completion.  <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->


 30,000 Euros


The provision of this bore-hole will profit the health and economy of the rural communities and prevent the onslaught of chronic illnesses that run so rapidly in this region due to water- born diseases. What we want most is of utmost importance: healthy and safe drinking water free from contaminants and fit for human consumption