March 22, 2011: Update from Japan
Japanhilfe für Erdbeben und Tsunamiopfer: €250.00
Update from Japan
Dear friends, family, colleagues! Dear unknown supporter!
Since the start of our fundraiser on March 15, YOU already donated Euro 8,156. We are forwarding your donations to CARE Japan daily to make sure that they can finance support measures immediately.
Here is an update from Japan:
The coastal road no. 45 is completely destroyed; cities like Kamaishi, Kuribayasi and Miyako only can be reached by air or sea route. In this region 9,883 people are living in evacuation centers.
CARE used your donations mainly to buy and distribute water, oxygen masks, sanitary products, cookies, fruits and rice.
However, CARE is constantly adapting their relief efforts according the actual necessities. Blankets and emergency shelters are further important needs. To close the supply gap in the region, CARE is joining forces with other local relief organization.
Thanks again for your support! Let’s continue raising funds for the people in Japan!
Best wishes,
Iris & Cornelius