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Deutschlands größte Spendenplattform

wollte euch nur davon in kenntnis setzen, dass ich

A. Kleihues
A. Kleihues schrieb am 06.01.2009

Dear Team betterplace junior – M. Jünger, rebecca m., Jakob K., Lilian b., p. kleihues, Vico B., Daniella M., A. Kleihues Wow – what a lovely surprise to return from leave and find that you have supported our Memory Box project. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You have been very generous in funding this project and I look forward to giving a report back on the success of this workshop. We are planning to hold the Memory Box workshop in the March/ April 2009 school holiday. We encourage school attendance and would not hold one during school terms; as you will recognise, this does somewhat limit the options as to when a workshop can take place. However, this does give me time before then to promote the project, and hopefully the project will be fully funded! Thanks again for your support, and also your advocacy among your friends!!! Good luck too in all your other projects. With best wishes, Fiona Mennell South Coast Hospice KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa




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