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Deutschlands größte Spendenplattform

Ocean Charity Ride - 6500km um die Nordsee Radln

Öffentliche Spendenaktions-Seite

Half Time

Pascal & Anna B.
Pascal & Anna B. schrieb am 24.06.2018

You guys are amazing.. we have raised over 51% of the 6500€ and are absolutely stoked about it....!

We are in shetland with no reception and crappy wifi.
No view either as we have had mostly fog so far.
But we are super super happy and cant wait to wake up every day for more adventure and more riding.

We are flying to norway on wednesday which will be BERGFEST. Half time. 

So many of you have donated and we are not sure who you are.
Pleeeeease get in touch with us through email or whatsapp or insta so we can say thank you „in person“.

Sending lots of loooove!

Pascal & Anna

Ps. Dominik H. please get in touch so you‘ll get your postcard from the shetlands!!!! 

+49 1623330686