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Running for Education: Company Run Berlin 2017

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Thank you for running for Education!

Jürgen D.
Jürgen D. schrieb am 28.06.2017

Dear Donors, 
Dear Team Glispa, 

I thank you so much for your great contributions to the work of Mission Kongo e.V.. With this fundraising initiative you have donated the school fees for all our children in Minembwe, South Kivu, DR Congo. These children have lost one or both parents due to the war in the region which is located in the East of the Congo, bordering Rwanda. Since 2015 Mission Kongo is able to help these children and their foster families by paying the school fees thus taking away the financial burden and the worries for both the kids and their foster families. This donation is making a big difference!! 

We encourage you to follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MissionKongo.eV/ or visit our web-site at http://www.mission-kongo.org to keep in touch and to see how your money is crating opportunities and changing the lives for these children. 

Again - many thanks and keep running!!

Best Regards,
Jürgen Daldrup
Mission Kongo e.V.