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Update on Lebanon on Wheels and school for Toufic, Abbas, Mkhayel and Ahmad!

A. Breteau
A. Breteau schrieb am 23.03.2019

Dear friends,

We are delighted to send you a much overdue update on Abbas, Mkhayel, Ahmad and Toufic. Thanks to your kind donations which set off lessons for these boys, they have been able to continue going to school and are having a great time.

The fantastic news is that the boys now have the schooling that they deserve guaranteed for at least the next three (three!) years. That is until 2022. They are going to school and are greatly enjoying themselves.

Here are some pictures of the boys.
Toufic juggling puzzles and balls.

Abbas making it all look easy.

The boys, looking great. (From left to right Abbas, Toufic, Ahmad and Mkhayel)

Toufic and Ahmad hard at work.

We’re also delighted to tell you that since George and I started the Lebanon on Wheels, three other teams have cycled to raise money for the education of our friends in Lebanon.

Lebanon on Wheels III, the most recent edition saw Luke PItman, Antoine Breteau, John Warrender and Aloys Hohenzollern cycle from Malaga to Rome and Berlin to Athens. This was the most successful Lebanon on Wheels to date. They cycled a combined 5,879 km and raised a massive $20,466. If you haven’t already seen it, here is the video of their exploits:

You can also read accounts of John and Aloys’ travels here https://bit.ly/2TMzEX1and Luke and Antoine’s here https://bit.ly/2FngOgd. Also be sure to check out our website http://www.lebanononwheels.com

None of this would have been possible without your help so we’re heavily indebted to every kind donation, bed and thought that you’ve sent in our direction over the last three years.

We’re also delighted to tell you that this summer, Lebanon on Wheels IV will be going ahead with four cyclists already raring to go. More on that note to follow very soon.

In the future we will keep you updated on how the classes are developing and how Abbas, Ahmed, Mkhayel and Toufic are doing. Until then, thank you once again for all your help.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or want more information !

Auguste Breteau
Lebanon on Wheels - lebanononwheels@gmail.com