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Artistic Processes of Alternative Photography

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Harry Ransom Center Visit

S. Bista
S. Bista schrieb am 03.01.2015

VIsited Harry Ransom Center to do a research on the Chrysotype of Robert Hunt. The gentleman outside the research wing upstairs and the lady inside the research wing both were very courteous. Thanks guy!

Entering the facility is a quite a process. Watched a short video on how to behave and handle the precious resources which was very comprehensive. Then one has to create an account. Go to the reception, deposit your belongings to a locker (no SLRs were  allowed) and get a blue slip  before you enter the quiet research facility. Presented the slip to a lady, and she brought a small lightbox of about 10"x12". Had cotton gloves, handled them as lightly as possibled and looked at the microfilms. It was an quite an experience.

Four lots of Robert Hunt's works were specified as Chrysotype (18, 19, 20 and 29)29. But only lot (pictuture of sculptures) was Chrysotype, and the rest were m islabelled, I guess.

Emailed to the photography curator (Ms. Briscoe) about the oversight. Yet to hear from her.

Ransom Center seems to be where I would like to be for about 3 months as an independent researcher, exploring their vast resource on alternative photographic processes.