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Change the world with your donation

I triggered a (partial)payout for these needs:

M. Morgan
M. Morgan wrote on 07-01-2013

Our grateful thanks to all our sponsors and our visitors through 2012, we pray you will continue to support us in 2013.  I would like to extend on behalf of the children we care fore, a wonderful 2013 and a promise to communicate with you all more. 

“You are who you are for a reason.You’re part of an intricate plan.You’re a precious and perfect unique design,Called God’s special woman or man.You look like you look for a reason.Our God made no mistake.He knit you together within the womb,You’re just what he wanted to make.The parents you had were the ones he chose,And no matter how you may feel,They were custom designed with God’s plan in mind,And they bear the Master’s seal.No, that trauma you faced was not easy.And God wept that it hurt you so;But it was allowed to shape your heart So that into his likeness you’d grow.You are who you are for a reason,You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.You are who you are, beloved,Because there is a God!”

Love to all

A donation amount of €235.00 was requested for the following needs:

  • high school text & work books €40.00
  • Boys khaki school uniforms (3 each) €35.00
  • uniform skirt/blouse €60.00
  • High School Fee per term €100.00