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First day of school

(Deleted User)
(Deleted User) wrote on 12-01-2012

Our eight matric students did very well in their exams!!! The end of the year is always a very tense time for them as they are about to find out whether they succeeded or failed. Relief all around for our students as 5 recieved a pass admission Bachelor (can enter a university), 2 recieved a pass admission Diploma (can enter a College/Technicon and 1 received a pass adminission Higher Certificate.

Now they need to find a place to further their studies (if they have not done so) and find the funds to do so (which is not so easy these days).

Yesterday Wednesday was the first day of the school year and it is always very exciting for the childeren. They are happy to be back and to play and learn with the friends again. The new children are somewhat nervous and wait and see for a few days before relaxing into the rhythm of school.

Parents are still visiting the office to apply for their children. Those who apply for fee reduction can only send their children after they had a talk to the bursar as he needs to assess how much the family can contribute. We feel that parents have to contribute no matter how little it is.

90% of our parents only contribute a litte bit so it is VITAL FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE SCHOOL  to find sponsorships for the children!!!!